Key Dates

21 July 2013
On site registration opens

Further key dates

Voltage-gated calcium channels: Novel roles

Date & Venue

  • The Journal of Physiology
0930 - 1130
Lecture Theatre: 

Voltage-gated calcium channels are essential for communication between brain cells.  Here we will explore novel ideas about delivery of calcium channels to their site of action, their role in pain pathways and in hearing, and what happens when they are mutated or interact with mutant prion proteins.

Please note revised timings for this session

0930 to 1000 - Annette Dolphin

1000 to 1030 - Roberto Chiesa

1030 to 1100 - Rajesh Khanna

1100 to 1130 - Jutta Engel

Annette Dolphin
University College London
United Kingdom
Roberto Chiesa
Mario Negri Institute of Pharmacological Research
Neuronal voltage-gated calcium channels: the role of auxiliary α2δ subunits in channel trafficking and in neuropathic pain
09.30 - 10.00
Annette Dolphin
University College London
United Kingdom
Neuronal dysfunction in genetic prion diseases: mutant prion protein impairs delivery of voltage-gated calcium channels to the presynaptic membrane
Roberto Chiesa
Mario Negri Institute of Pharmacological Research
CRMPs curb calcium channels for cessation of chronic pain: an old target engages a new partner
Rajesh Khanna
Indiana University School of Medicine
United States
Ca2+ channel subunits α2δ2 and α2δ3 are essential for normal hearing in mice
11.00 - 11.30
Jutta Engel
Saarland University
Epithelia & Membrane Transport
Epithelia & Membrane Transport
Integrative Neurophysiology
Ion Channels